These awards will help fund department or program-based high-impact national and international conferences and perhaps smaller-scale symposia. Proposals that are interdisciplinary are especially encouraged. One grant award of up to $10,000
Application and Submission:
- Any full-time FASC faculty member may apply.
- Applications should include:
- completed and signed 2025-2026-Research-Signature-Page-writable-enabled
- five-page project description including goals and expected outcomes of the event and an explanation of how participants will be invited or contributions solicited. Also, please identify any additional internal Rutgers funding resources that may be requested and any possible external funding that may be sought.
- detailed budget and one-page budget narrative
- list of participants or potential participants and invitees
- Proposals may be submitted by individual programs/departments or teams of faculty and/or programs/departments.
- A final written report summarizing the results of the initiative will be due within three months of the event supported by the award and no later than June 30, 2026.
Applications are due to the Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs by Friday, May 2, 2025. Electronic submissions (Adobe PDF) are required and should be sent to fasresearch@camden.rutgers.edu. Save your file name as LastName_Department_CSFG_Date. Please indicate “2025-2026 Conference and Symposium Funding Grant” in the subject line of your email.
The Research Funding Committee will evaluate and rank all proposals. In selecting proposals to be funded, priority will be given to applications that demonstrate the impact of the proposed event, both for the sponsoring department or program and for the College of Arts and Sciences more generally.
All Faculty Awardees will receive a letter providing instructions for funding set-up and expense reconciliation.