2015-2016 Arts and Sciences Dean’s Undergraduate Conference Travel Fund Grant Recipients
Joseph Naddeo and Matthew Ratti, Department of Physics
“Light Induced Toxicity of Silver Nanoparticles Produced by Laser Ablation,” presented at the International Conference on Laser Ablation in Cairns, Australia
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Daniel Bubb, Department of Physics
Madeliene Alger and Kiersten Westley, Department of Psychology
“Native American Female Suicide Methodology,” presented at the Association for Psychological Science Conference in Chicago, Illinois
Faculty Mentor: Dr, Sean Duffy, Department of Psychology
Brenna Stone, Department of Psychology
“Sex, Sexual Orientation, and Humor Preferences,” presented at the Association for Psychological Science Conference in Chicago, Illinois
Faculty Mentor: Dr, Sean Duffy, Department of Psychology
Danielle Dwyer, Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice
“Police as Victims: The Untold Truth,” presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting in Washington, DC
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Stacia Gilliard-Matthews, Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice
Gaylene Gordon and Christina Schnyer, Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice
“Police Homicide: Myths Concerning the Face of Cop Killers,” presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting in Washington, DC
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Stacia Gilliard-Matthews, Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice
2015-2016 Arts and Sciences Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund Grant Recipients
Michael Bamimore, Department of Biology
“Identification of stalk specific peptidoglycan synthesis enzymes in Caulobacter crescentus”
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Eric Klein, Department of Biology
Christopher Cherfane, Department of Biology
“Recirculation Apparatus and Controller for Bio 3D Printing”
Faculty Mentor: Dr. David Salas-de la Cruz, Department of Chemistry
Denise Hassinger, Department of Biology
“Unidentified Polychaete Annelid”
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Alejandro Vagelli, Department of Biology
Nayab Kazmi, Department of Biology
“Testing Two Different Reporter-Genes for Expression in Drosophila melanogaster”
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Nir Yakoby, Department of Biology
Alexa Martinelli, Department of Biology
“Relative thermal tolerance ecological performance and metabolic capabilities of urban and rural Pyrrharctiaisabella caterpillars”
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Amy Savage, Department of Biology
Molly Grasmick, Department of Chemistry
“Investigation of Low Temperature Molecular Transitions in MEH PPV Polymer Films” and “Investigation of polarized IR to determine the effects of polarized solvents on MEH PPV polymer films”
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Georgia Arbuckle-Keil, Department of Chemistry
Kelsey Brown, Department of Fine Arts
“Therapy for the Technologically Advanced”
Faculty Mentor: Mr. Paul Bernstein, Department of Fine Arts
Jacob Foster, Department of Fine Arts
“Atmosphere: Paintings of Emotion and Sky”
Faculty Mentor: Mr. Bruce Garrity, Department of Fine Arts
Kyra Jenkins, Department of Mathematical Sciences
“Monday Syndrome”
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Benedetto Piccoli, Department of Mathematical Sciences
Millicent Kipp, Department of Mathematical Sciences
“Fundamental Diagrams from Sensors Around the World”
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Benedetto Piccoli, Department of Mathematical Science
Matthew Ratti, Department of Physics
“Light Induced Toxicity of Silver Nanoparticles Produced by Laser Ablation”
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Eric Klein, Department of Biology
Caitlin Rivenbark, Department of Psychology
“Employees in the Workplace”
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Charlotte Markey, Department of Psychology
2015-2016 Dean’s Undergraduate Research Prize Recipients
Gabriele Stankeviciute, Department of Chemistry
“DNA nanostructures-mediated drug release”
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jinglin Fu, Department of Chemistry
Anatoliy Lane, Department of Computer Science
“Software implementation of metabolic optimization methods”
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Desmond Lun, Department of Computer Science
Millicent Kipp, Department of Mathematical Sciences
“Monday Syndrome”
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Benedetto Piccoli, Department of Mathematical Science
Matthew Ratti, Department of Physics
“Antibacterial effects of metal nanoparticles”
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Eric Klein, Department of Biology
John Tomko, Department of Physics
“Laser ablation in liquids: cavitation, beam characteristics, and surface morphology”
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Daniel Bubb, Department of Physics